Artwrk Magazine — 001 — James Wilson

£2.95 - £9.95

Artwrk Department: Magazine — Issue 001 — Published by Fereday Studio


Dive into the debut issue of Artwrk Department: Magazine, a celebration of creativity, individuality, and artistic expression.

Issue 001 is curated by Artist James Wilson featuring an exclusive centre fold and a collection of original palm tree illustrations across 14 pages in this A5 size booklet magazine.

- Edition of 100 on white matte paper staple bound

- 50 limited edition copies that come with an exclusive mini print

- 5 Collectors edt on green moss paper with hand sewn binding + an A5 original ink painting from the artist, in this issue J.Wilson

If you’re a creative interested in being featured (Free) or a business looking to advertise (paid for) in Artwrk Department: Magazine, we’d love to hear from you!